What we will do for you:
– Treat you with courtesy and respect at all times
– Treat you as a partner and discuss with you the care and treatment we can provide
– Give you full information on the services we offer
– Refer you for a further opinion when you and your Doctor agree it is necessary
– Give you access to your confidential health records subject to any limitations in the law
– Give you a full and prompt reply to any complaint you make about the service
What we need you to do for us:
– We need you to treat us with the same courtesy and respect you expect from us
– Honour your appointments in a timely manner
– At all times please cancel any appointments you cannot keep, enabling others access to that appointment
Angel Hill Surgery Patient Services
Angel Hill Surgery is part of the West Suffolk Integrated Care Board and provides Primary Care Services to patients registered with us from Bury St Edmunds and its surrounding villages.
For patients who live more than a mile from a pharmacy and are registered on our dispensary list they may have their prescriptions dispensed from the Practice dispensary. All other patients can obtain their prescriptions from any Pharmacy.
The practice also undertakes limited non-NHS medical services, these do generate a fee and details of our current levels are available from Reception.
Primary Care Network
Angel Hill Surgery are part of the Bury St. Edmunds Primary Care Network with the other four practices within Bury St. Edmunds. Our Primary Care Network are dedicated to improving patient services across Bury St. Edmunds.
Staff Training
There are a number of subjects that staff must maintain competency with in order for them to remain working in a General Practice Surgery. Therefore, on occasions, the surgery may be closed in the afternoon to provide this mandatory training.
There is easy access for wheelchairs to the Surgery from Angel Hill. If patients experience any problems, please ask the Reception staff who will be very willing to help.
We now have 2 consulting rooms on our First Floor. There is a stair lift for patients who find the stairs difficult. The Reception staff will be only too pleased to help.
There are facilities available if you have hearing problems, please let Reception know either at the time of the booking of the appointment or on arrival for the appointment that you wish to use them.
National Diabetes Audit (NDA)
The National Diabetes Audit is a national clinical audit, integrating data from both primary and secondary care, to measure the effectiveness of diabetes healthcare against NICE Clinical Guidelines & NICE Quuality Standards in England & Wales.
Angel Hill Surgery take part in the National Diabetes Audit, see http://content.digital.nhs.uk/nda for further information.
Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission routinely undertakes inspections of all Primary Care Facilities every 2 years. They can also inspect at no notice should they have any concerns regarding the service provided by a Practice. They use a set of standards that we must achieve and maintain which is evidence based on safety of services to patients and staff, standards of clinicians and management of the practice. If you are present during any inspection, you may be asked your opinion. You can also register your opinion with the Care Quality Commission outside these inspections.
111 online support
The attached poster is provides information on how to obtain medical information from 111 service on-line.
This is currently a pilot service which we are participating with.
NHS Choice Website
You can also register your opinion of the service the surgery provides you by entering a comment on the NHS Choice website. We retain the right to reply to any message left.
West Suffolk Clinical Commisioning Group
This practice is a member of the West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group who arranges, monitor and pay for secondary care facilities within West Suffolk. If you have any question regarding services outside this practice, they can be contacted at:-
NHS West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group
West Suffolk House
Western Way
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 3YU
Telephone – 01284 758010
Fax – 01284 758020
Website – www.westsuffolkccg.nhs.uk
Data Security & Protection
For further information regarding the Practice Security & Data Protection, please see notice boards or contact the surgery at angelhill.secretaries@nhs.net
Average pay for GPs at Angel Hill Surgery
All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to
deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.
The average pay for GPs working in Angel Hill Surgery in the last financial year was £89,326 before
tax and National Insurance. This is for 3 full time GPs and 7 part time GPs who worked in the
practice for more than six months.
However, it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially
misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice and
should not be used to form any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparison with any
other practice